Here's How to Spend a Week in Tanzania - The Best of Tanzania Safari Vacations

Author: Priyanka Saxena on Jan 23,2019

Out of the many safari countries of Africa, Tanzania is a place that holds a significant position because of the quirky yet intense wildlife that reside in the lush green parks and reserves of Tanzania. When on a Tanzania Safari Vacation, visit the top attractions at the right point in time becomes essential and this itinerary serves this purpose.

Trip At A Glance

Day 1: Arrival in Moshi

Day 2: Mount Kilimanjaro

Day 3: Barranco Hut

Day 4: Zanzibar

Day 5: Lake Burunge

Day 6-7: Tarangire National Park

Trip Highlights

  • A relaxing day at Moshi

  • Adventurous hike at Mount Kilimanjaro

  • Explore the vivid vegetation and rocky terrain of Barranco Hut

  • Marveling in the lush green forests of Serengeti

  • Enjoy some delightful moments at Zanzibar island

  • Feel the magic in the air and a unique tranquility of Lake Burunge

Tour Price

Our private tours typically range from $500 - $1000 per person/per night depending on chosen hotels and room categories, vehicles used, types of tours, flight cost, time of year and other factors. Make an inquiry for a customized trip quote.

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Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: Arrival in Moshi

Like any other African Trip, the first day of your Tanzania Safari will mainly include long-hour travel from your hometown to the international airport of Tanzania. After spending hours and hours in the plane, relaxing in the hotel room is the only thing most of the travelers want to do. This trip of yours would be the same. After reaching at the international airport of Tanzania, you will be escorted to one of the luxurious hotels of Moshi. The drive would be a quick one and hence in no time you will find yourself checking into the hotel. While many count Tanzania among the poor countries, the luxury offered in some of its hotels denies this statement completely. You will be glad to find the comfort coupled with luxury offered to you at the hotel. Ti call it a day, simply go to your room, freshen up, have some meals, and simply have a good night’s sleep. This is much needed to rejuvenate your lost energy levels for the upcoming safari experiences at Tanzania.

Day 2: Mount Kilimanjaro

Wake up early in the morning and get done with your breakfast as today you are about to witness the imperious Kilimanjaro Mountain. Meet your guide at the hotel reception and let him brief you about the day plan. Soon after the brief, you will leave for the adventurous ride at the Kilimanjaro Mountains. The activities to do amidst the mountains are limited to hiking and exploring the area either via a drive or by foot. The choice is all yours. No matter what mode you choose to explore the topmost attractions of this place, you are get to witness some of the best scenic beauties of your life, for sure. If you are young and energetic, skip the vehicle and explore the mountain area on your own. Hiking the Kilimanjaro Mountains are one of the best things you will get to do on a Tanzania Safari Vacation. So, if you can, do not miss doing it. When at the top of the mountain, do not miss to look out over the Furtwängler Glacier which is an awe inspiring sight.

Day 3: Barranco Hut

After completing the Kilimanjaro climb, you can leave for the Barranco Hut climb. Rainfall is sparser here and the vivid vegetation gives way to the dramatic rocky terrain. You will follow a steep narrow trail that will take you along the breathtaking Umbwe Ridge. Do not miss to enjoy the dramatic drops leading off from the trail making you feel as if the whole Africa is waiting beneath your feet. This is a one-of-a-kind experience that you will have only at the Barranco Hut. While doing all this, do not miss any instructions that has been conveyed to you by your guide. Whenevern on a hiking trip, such instructions are no less than oxygen to the climbers. Your small negligence can prove to be a fatal.

Day 4: Serengeti

The fourth day of your trip will mark the beginning of an adventurous day that will held in the lush green forests of Serengeti. Today, the real safari moments can be seen wherein you will spot a number of wild animals roaming freely inside the boundaries of Serengeti. While Serengeti is mainly famous for an array f herbivorous animals who live with pride inside its deep forests, there are moments when you can also spot a few big cats including the Lion itself yawning beneath a tree or looking for its prey beside a shrub. Which animal will you encounter the most totally depends on the time of the day you are visiting the par. Plus, the season of the year in which you have planned this Tanzania Safari also holds an importance. You might not be aware of the fact that every year Serengeti witness the great wildebeest migration over its great plains. Witnessing a massive force of wildebeests migrating over its plains in search of greenery and water.

Day 5: Zanzibar

No Tanzania trip is complete without spending delightful island moments and Zanzibar is something which not less than a paradise on earth. This island of spices is not only gorgeous above its turquoise water but it is beautiful from the inside as well. It is a small paradise situated on the planet and you will get to witness the same on the fifth day of your Tanzania Safari vacation.

The island is an ideal place to experience the best diving experience on the entire east coast which includes snorkeling and scuba diving. If you are a water person, there’s a lot that can be explored and if not, the beauty of this place is enough to drag you to this place.

Day 6: Lake Burunge

Advantages of staying close to the mother nature are many and to be able to watch the sunrise from the cocoon of your sheets and witnessing the golden sun emerging from the behind of the horizon are a few of them. On day six of your Tanzania Vacation, do not miss to mark these scenic moments while exploring the untamed routes of Tanzania. Today, you will visit a beautiful lake located on the outskirts of Tarangire National Park - Lake Burunge. Arrive in time to feel the magic in the air and a unique tranquility of this place before stepping into the wild afternoon game drive.

Day 6-7: Tarangire National Park

Wake up with the fresh scents of wet grass that rises from the ground every morning. Enjoy the scenic canoe ride on the lake while wandering your eyes around untamed corners of the lake. Go paddling onto the lake while making a way through the water lilies. Spot a massive herd of cape buffaloes around the lake’s shore. When done with this, kick-start the adventurous afternoon game drive to the hidden treasures of Tarangire National Park. Spot the big cats and the elephants roaming freely in the park and adding value to every corner. From the relaxing lake ride to the adventurous game drive, the day seven of your trip will give you mixed emotions.

Day 8: Departure

Your 8 days Tour in South Africa is finally completing and today you will be saying Cheerios to the scenic beauty of this place. With lots of special memories in your heart, you will transfer to the airport for a happy return. Do not miss to enjoy your farewell breakfast in the hotel before the exit formalities. You will love the sweet gesture shown by the hotel staff.


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